Blue phantom with sliding caliper for photon reference dosimetry with horizontal radiation exposure


·    Suitable for calibration of ionization chambers in high-energy photon and electron beams

·    Suitable for monitor calibration in water

·    Makes it possible to vary the measuring depth and transvers continuously


The water phantom is designed for calibration measurements in radiation therapy using a horizontal beam. The measuring depth can be adjusted continuously by means of a caliper on the phantom top in 5 mm increment. Appropriate adapters enable users to position thimble chambers or TLDs precisely in depths from less than 15 mm up to 250 mm also capable to position in transverse directions ±100 mm from zero position in the center with 5 mm increment. The external phantom dimensions are approximately 32 cm×32 cm×31 cm. The entrance window in one of the walls has the thickness of 3 mm and the size of 220 mm in diameter. The phantom has three adjustable supports for leveling, etched cross hairs for alignment and drain tap for emptying without tilting or changing the phantom’s position.

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2024/01/03 | Types of phantom | وحید یوسفی مهر | Hit: 9288 | 1704290069