Types of phantom View: DefaultListBlog DefaultASCDSCTitle - ASCTitle - DSCCreation date - ASCCreation date - DSCInstock - ASCInstock - DSCPrice - ASCPrice - DSC Some Research Phantoms( 03/01/2024) Flanged ECT Phantom( 03/01/2024) Anthropomorphic Body Phantom( 03/01/2024) Testicle Shield( 03/01/2024) Wilke Phantom( 03/01/2024) CTDI Phantom( 03/01/2024) Therapy Alignment Device( 03/01/2024) Isocenter QC Device( 03/01/2024) Las Vegas Phantom( 03/01/2024) Acrylic block with chamber hole and gantry holding plates for constancy tests of LINAC dose monitor calibration( 03/01/2024) 3D Matrix Phantom (Baltas Phantom)( 03/01/2024) PMMA and brass build-up caps for thimble chambers for use in high energy photon beams( 03/01/2024) 1 2 Share in social:Score: 4 from 5. Sum 12 Vote 5 Star 4 Star 3 Star 2 Star 1 Star 03/01/2024 | Hit: 186 | 1704289813